Sawyer Mountain

Sawyer Mountain - Pure Adirondacks

If you’re just getting introduced to Indian Lake hiking, Sawyer Mountain is a great starting point. With only 630ft of elevation gain in about 1 mile, it makes for a great beginner hike. Although the summit is wooded and doesn’t have much of a view there are lookouts along the trail as you make your way to the top. From these lookouts, there are views of Snowy, Wakely, and other mountains in the Indian Lake region. The trailhead is located off of Route 28/30.

Trail Map


Trail Stats:

Distance 2.2 miles round-trip
Elevation 2,618 ft
Ascent 630 feet



📍 Google Directions

Keep it PURE

Remember to Leave No Trace! Buy a physical map, read it, plan, and prepare. Think about the NYS Rangers and medical personnel that exhaust themselves for a rescue that could have been avoided. Pack out your trash. Use a bear canister when primitive camping and cook away from where you’re sleeping. Do the rock walk to help reduce the impact on fragile alpine vegetation. Camp at designated campsites and never camp on or near summits.

Trail Conditions

Know before you go
Take The Pledge!


Each year, millions of people visit the public lands inside the Adirondacks. However you choose to spend your time here, we know the Adirondacks will hold a special place in your heart. We feel the same way. To Love Your Adirondacks is to protect the lands, waters, and communities we all know and love.