Sunrise from Phelps Mountain

Sunrise from Phelps Mountain - Pure Adirondacks
It was a Thursday night at Clarkson University and I had no Friday classes. I wanted to go on an adventure, so I checked the weather. The forecast called for clear blue skies, so I thought it would be a great opportunity to catch a sunrise from the top of one of the Adirondack Peaks. It was almost midnight in mid-October and instead of going bed, my friend Garth and I decided to gather our belongings, get in the car, and drive to the Adirondack Park. After a 2 hour drive, we parked at the Adirondack Loj and began our trek up Phelps Mountain with the light of our headlamps. It was a cool night, nearly 20 degrees, but everything was still and silent. All that could be heard were our footsteps as we made the ascent to the summit. Our timing was perfect as we reached the Phelps summit at 6 am for the sunrise.