Cook Mountain

Cook Mountain (1,213ft) is close to the village of Ticonderoga at the northern end of Lake George. A mile and a half south of its intersection with Alexandria Avenue on Baldwin Road, the parking area and trailhead are clearly identified by a modest sign and kiosk. The round trip distance is around 3 miles.
The trail begins on a straight path that leads to a footbridge (at about the 0.2 mile mark). At this point is a junction, which is the start of a loop trail. Either direction will get you to the proper place, which is the Ridges Trail that ascends to the summit area. The trail to the right is slightly shorter.
At the junction of the Ridges Trail and an old forest road, the trail continues for just over 1-mile, steep all the way to the ridgeline. Shortly before the summit, you'll come across a sign with arrows. Left goes to the "Vermont View" and right goes to the "Lake View".
The peak provides beautiful views of Ticonderoga, Lake George, and Lake Champlain, making the effort well worthwhile.