Munk Pack – My New Favorite Trail Snack

When it comes to hiking, paddling, skiing – you name it – snacks are a must. Whether giving you that ever so important mid-afternoon boost of energy you need to fit in a few more runs on the slopes or providing you the fuel you need to make it that last mile to the summit, the food you eat on the go provides the nutrition your body needs to keep moving. Luckily, life on the trail doesn’t have to be full of processed food and sugary snacks (even though I must admit that on hot days when we’re hiking, I seriously crave a handful of freeze pops). There are plenty of options on the market these days for consumers to be able to consciously make healthy choices. It is also getting much easier to find products that are both good for you and incredibly tasty. One of our more recent snack discoveries that fits into that category is the Munk Pack.
Munk Packs contain a mix of whole grain rolled oats, flax and delicious fruits. The creators of the Munk Pack were tired of your usual granola bar and were looking for something was minimally processed, without the sugars, syrups and fillers you find in most bars. After starting off in the kitchen pouring homemade oatmeals and smoothies into their bottles, the innovators behind Munk Pack realized the convenience of the pouches that carry the product you see on store shelves today. The pouches allow you to keep foods non-perishable without the use of artificial preservatives – in other words, the perfect trail snack!
There are currently three flavors of Munk Packs: apple quinoa cinnamon, blueberry acai flax, and raspberry coconut. All three of them are flavorful and have the perfect balance of sweetness. I love coconut, so the raspberry one is definitely my favorite. Evan is a big fan of the apple cinnamon one – he says it reminds him of apple pie! We have brought Munk Packs on multiple hiking trips now and can’t get enough of them. We’ve also thrown them in the cooler for our camping adventures since they make an incredibly easy breakfast. All in all, Munk Packs are on the top of my list for trail snacks!