Hike to Armstrong Mountain

Hike to Armstrong Mountain - Pure Adirondacks
Flanked by Gothics to the southwest and Upper Wolfjaw to the northeast, Armstrong Mountain falls at number 22 on the High Peaks of the Adirondacks.  As part of the Great Range, Armstrong can be reached from St. Huberts or The Garden.  Armstrong was the final leg of a full day when Evan and I checked it out.  We started out from St. Huberts, took the trail to Gothics via Pyramid Peak, and then continued on to Armstrong.  The view from the summit is quite nice and the ladder challenges before reaching the summit certainly make you feel like you've worked for that view!  We made our way back to St. Huberts following the Beaver Meadow Trail, where we really saw the destructive force of Hurricane Irene - a new slide had formed, making the traverse along the trail a particular challenge.