Winter Weekend at Beach Point

Every now and then in the winter, when camping isn’t always an option, Evan and I like to extend our day-trips into a bit more of a comfortable weekend by finding a cozy cabin to bunk in.
One Friday night, after packing up Lucy and all of her gear, our snowshoes, and a whole bunch of random food left in the fridge at the end of the week, we made our way up to the Indian Lake area to check into our homestead for the weekend - Beach Point on Lake Abanakee.
Walking into the cabin, the first thing we noticed was the living room - including a plush leather couch and the gas fireplace. With the Olympics in full swing, we quickly brought all of our gear inside, scoped out the rest of the cabin, and settled into the couch with Lucy snuggled up next to us to watch some cross-country skiing and halfpipe. The two-bedroom cabin was spacious, well-decorated, and warm. With plush couches, a rustic kitchen and dining area, and hot showers, the cabin had all of the comforts of home in a prime waterfront location. Speaking of the waterfront - what an awesome beach! It would definitely be a great place to set up a few Adirondack chairs on a hot summer day to soak up some sun.
The next morning as we sipped some fresh coffee, we made our plan for the day. We planned to meet up with our friend Krista, an old friend of Evan’s from his grade school days, as well as a couple (Emily and Geoff) we had been in touch with through the wonders of social media, but had yet to meet (Emily actually wrote an article about their Adirondack Wedding on top of Mt. Van Hoevenberg back in 2015). Pulling on our snow pants, Lucy knew it was time for adventure. We made our way to Newcomb to meet our pack for the day at the trailhead. Emily and Geoff had their 9-month old puppy named Janet with them, so she and Lucy quickly bonded while romping around in the snow. Because of some warmer conditions the week before, the snow had melted a bit and left a crunchy layer on top of the softer snow. The trail had clearly not been used in a long time, so we were left to break trail which was no easy feat! Lucy led the way for a while, but even she got tired after a while and resorted to following the humans who had snowshoes.
ADK Lean-To in the Vanderwhacker Wild Forest
Our exploration of the Vanderwhacker Wild Forest led us to a newly-built lean-to that sits just a little way off the shore of a pond with great views of the High Peaks. After checking out the scenery and enjoying some snacks in the lean-to, we began our 2.5-mile trek back out to our cars. After saying our goodbyes, we made our way back toward Indian Lake with Lucy zonked out in the backseat. After stopping at Stewarts to pick up a frozen pizza and some ice cream, we tucked ourselves in for a cozy evening at the cabin, complete with some Common Roots brews and naps by the fireplace.